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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Summary DBA's linux commands

#Mount Windows folder on Linux
$ yum install cifs-utils -y
$ mount -t cifs // /tmp/ora_soft -o username=DOMAIN/user,password=password
#Mount ISO image under Linux
mount -o loop /backup/soft/Enterprise-R5-U3-Server-x86_64-dvd.iso /mnt/OEL53

 rpm -ivh --nodeps *.rpm

Edit fstab in 'Repair filesystem' mode
#You might get Read-Only error when you try to change the fstab file, to save it try wq! on vi :
Repair filesystem# mount -w -o remount /
Repair filesystem# vi /etc/fstab

Find Out Linux CPU Utilization
$ mpstat -P ALL
$ sar -u 2 5

Remote copy
$ rsync -avz --stats /local_path  username@
$ rsync -avz --stats username@  /local_path
lftp ftpuser:'password'@ << EOF
  mput /local_path/file.ext -O /remote_path/file.ext
>> EOF

Finding & Sorting
$ find . -name "alert*.log" 2>/dev/null
$ find . -name "*.sql" | xargs grep -i "create table"
$ find . -name "*.trc" -exec grep -i "error" '{}' \; -print
$ awk '{$2="SURPRISE"; for (i=0; i<100; i++) print }' | grep -n SURPRISE
$ find . -type f -mtime +14 -exec rm -f {} \;
$ find . -name "*.log" -ls | sort -nrk7 | head
$ ls -al | sort -rk5 

Finding & Change Owner User
$ find / -uid 1000 -exec chown -R tom {} \;

Finding the Largest Space-Consuming Directories
$ du -S . | sort -nr | head -5
$ du . | sort -nr | head -5

Bundling & Unbundling Files Using tar
$ tar one_mandatory_option [other non-mandatory options] [tar file] [other files]
$ tar -cvf prodrel.tar *.sql
$ tar -cvf script.tar /orahome/scripts
$ tar -cvzf orahome.tar /oracle/product/10.2  --> ( -z option for gzip or the -j option for bzip2)
$ tar -xvf mytar.tar
$ tar -xvf mytar.tar script1.sql script2.sql
$ tar -xvf mytar.tar *.bsh
Finding Differences in Bundled Files Using tar
$ tar -df backup.tar scripts
$ tar -uvf backup.tar scripts

Bundling & Unbundling Files Using cpio
$ ls | cpio -ov > backup.cpio
$ find . -depth | cpio -ov > orahome.cpio
$ find . -depth | cpio -ov | gzip > orahome.cpio.gz
$ find scripts -name "*.sql" | cpio -ov > mysql.cpio
$ cpio -idvm < linux10g_disk1.cpio
$ cat linux10g_disk1.cpio | cpio -idvm
$ cat linux10g_disk1.cpio.gz | gunzip | cpio -idvm

Bundling & Unbundling Files Using zip
$ zip -r oracle10g
$ zip *.sql
$ zip -r /orahome/ orascripts
$ unzip
$ unzip upgrade.sql
$ unzip *.sq
$ unzip -n /orahome/  -->  (-n option: not overwrite existing files)

Bundling Files Using find
$ find /ora01/admin/bdump -name "*.trc" -mtime +2 | xargs tar -czvf trc.tar.gz
$ find /ora01/admin/bdump -name "*.trc" -mtime +2 | cpio -ov | gzip > trc.cpio.gz

Listing the Contents of a Bundled File
$ tar -tvf orahome.tar
$ tar -tzvf orahome.tar.gz
$ cpio -itv < orahome.tar
$ cat dir.cpio | cpio -itv
$ unzip -l

Adding to a Bundled File
$ tar -rvf backup.tar newscript.sql  -->  (-r option: append)
$ tar -rvf backup.tar scripts
$ ls *.sql | cpio -ovAF my.cpio
$ find dirname | cpio -ovAF my.cpio
$ zip -g script.sql
$ zip -gr dirname

Compressing and Uncompressing Files
$ gzip scripts.tar
$ gunzip scripts.tar.gz
$ gunzip -c scrdv12_ora_19029.trc.gz | grep -i error
$ zcat scrdv12_ora_19029.trc.gz | grep -i error
$ bzip2 exp.dmp
$ bunzip2 exp.dmp.bz2
$ bunzip2 -c scrdv12_ora_19029.trc.bz2 | grep -i error

Synchronise system datetime
$ crontab -e
*/5 * * * * ntpdate -u 

OS Block Size
$ tune2fs -l /dev/sda1 | grep Block

Device BlockSize
# blockdev --getbsz /dev/sda1

# rpm -q --queryformat "%{name}-%{version}-%{release}.%{arch}\n" openmotif22
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